Transition Recovery asked for the identity to be derived from the AA logo and to include the colours the BJJ Black belt (a black belt with a deep red bar at the end). The Triangle inside a circle has always been the main consistent mark of the AA organisation. Here we constructed a triangle out to the BJJ belt and folded into three sides. The result of the perpetual triangular rhythm as you follow the gold around with the eye was a nice result that spoke of the endless nature of learning and pursuit of betterment.
As an extension to the branding I created a series of patches to convey messages of hope found by training the body, mind and spirit to overcome personal battles. The branding also extended to web design and stationery where the extra-heavy font weight was intentionally focussed on as a branding device. I felt this heavy type really lent to a feeling of sturdiness and reassurance found in this safe community where they push their personal limits in positive ways.

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